7 Healthy Habits for Seniors to Keep

3 min readSep 25, 2021


Keeping up with our parent’s or elderly loved ones’ immediate health care demands can be a difficult undertaking. To assist you in navigating elder health, we’ve compiled a list of 7 healthy habits for seniors to follow.

Dental check-ups, prescriptions, and physicals are just a few of the senior’s health requirements. Not to add that putting a senior’s health first may put a caregivers health at risk. How can you become more aware of a senior’s health needs, particularly if they have chronic illnesses or other major health problems?

People who practiced healthy habits as children are more likely to become healthy seniors as adults, but it is never too late to start. Even for seniors who are prone to sickness or who have not previously prioritized their health, good health behaviors can make a difference.

Healthy Habits for Seniors

Consider the following 7 health tips for keeping up with a parent’s or senior loved one’s health needs:

1. Eat Healthy Food

With aging, the digestive system slows down, so high-fiber fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are more necessary than ever. Seniors should drink lots of water to stay energized and smart, as they are prone to dehydration.

2. Focus on Prevention

Medicare covers preventative care visits, such as cholesterol tests, colon cancer screenings, heart disease screenings, and other health screenings. Vaccinations against influenza and pneumonia are also recommended for senior citizens.

3. Get Some Sleep

Seniors are prone to frequent awakening and sleeplessness during the night. To encourage drowsiness, dim the lights in the evening and make sure the senior’s bedroom is pleasant, cool, and quiet.

4. Remember Mental Health

To stimulate their thoughts and engage with the world around them, the Geriatric Mental Health Foundation advises seniors to perform crossword puzzles, read and write, and try new hobbies. These kinds of activities can help prevent mental health problems.

5. Socialize

Seniors who spend time with their families and grandchildren, particularly if they have mobility challenges, feel more connected. These visits can also lift elders’ spirits, which is the best therapy at any age.

6. Stay Physically Active

Exercise not only helps with depression but also boosts your energy and memory. Long walks or short strolls, together with an exercise program prescribed by a physician, can keep elders healthier for longer.

Seniors who have their health under control can do more and stay active, which is beneficial to their overall health. Seniors who are happy and healthy can still pose a number of care issues, but they can also contribute more to their health, giving caregivers less to worry about.

7. Visit the Dentist Every Six Months

Cavities become more common as we become older. Furthermore, many oral infections are linked to significant health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. So, elders should schedule regular dental appointments.

What other healthy habits do you advise seniors to follow to maintain their health? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. Contact Family Always First Home Health Care if you are planning to hire a caregiver. We are a trusted provider of CDPAP, New York’s Paid Family Caregivers Program, a Medicaid-funded program that allows residents of New York to hire their caregivers. Get top-quality care for your loved one now!




Written by Firsthomecarefamilyalways

Family Always First Home Care is a leader among CDPAP Agencies in New York State.

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